Normally, the thyroid gland sits in the front part of the neck below and overlying the larynx or voice box. It is a butterfly shaped gland which is vital for the regulation of other related hormones and its function. It secretes hormones that help regulate overall body metabolism and maintain calcium balance in the body. A common disorder of the thyroid is formation of a nodule. All you need to know about Thyroid Nodules | Dr Sanjeev Mohanty These can be solitary or multiple and may be solid or fluid-filled (cystic). Some nodules contain thyroid cancer but even benign ones can grow large enough to compress the trachea (windpipe) and / or esophagus (food pipe) causing difficulty in breathing, change of voice or swallowing. Fortunately, the vast majority of thyroid nodules are non- cancerous but the chance of a thyroid cancer is high enough that any thyroid swellings in the form of nodules definitely needs to be eval...